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Paulina rose to the tremendous challenge of managing my body transformation course during exceptional circumstances with no fuss at all making the transition from workouts in the No1 Fitness studio to video calls from home during Covid19 lockdown as easy as possible and still pushed for results I am very pleased with indeed. 


She has an incredible eye for detail, remembering what eclectic mix of home equipment I had and the weights to hand so she wasn't asking me to lift anything I didn't have available. That makes a huge difference when you're pushed to the physical limit during a session.


Paulina was quick to identify alternative exercises when I picked up an injury towards the end of my course and threw some great curve balls in with workouts of the day and some pretty tough finishers so I couldn't settle into a routine and cruise through the sessions. There is no relaxing when Paulina is on your case = ) Nor should there be!


She supported me in my diet plan and even recruited my son to push me on weekends to punish me with burpees if I slipped off plan. I did - we all do right ? -  But the burpees were enough to stop it happening too often.


Most importantly Paulina quickly got in tune with me, my body and my mind which meant, even via video call on a mobile phone, she could see what was going on and one morning, out of the blue, on a particularly difficult morning asked, "What's wrong? Your head isn't in it this morning".  We soon fixed it and logged another successful hour together.


Her inimitable drive, motivation, support and turns of phrase will stay with me forever. In fact I still hear them now as I workout: "Be in the muscle", "Shoulders down" and if I ever protested the workout was particularly hard, "Sorry. Not sorry". 


I miss our daily workouts, but I'll keep everything I learnt and Paulina's motivation with me forever. And now when I make my son do burpees or a Sally up challenge, I am sorry not sorry.

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